An ADHD development blog

The Devil's Cookbook: Minimap Post-mortem
*This post is part of a post-mortem series for The Devil's Cookbook. While this post does detail implementation, it is not a tutorial.* In order to aid the players in keeping track of the many small and occasionally fast ingredient AIs running around the level, a simple minimap was designed. I...

Metadata, architecture, and complete site rebuilds
I know I said last post that I was going to write about TDC's development but this post is not about that. Instead, it's about an issue I found with this blog and decided to resolve, before realising the issue extended to the entire site, was entangled with several other issues, and would...

A blog is born!
Welcome to Snowdrift, a handmade blog built of blood, sweat, and tears (otherwise known as javascript) and C#! A blog is something I've wanted to maintain on this site for a hot minute, as a place to record my thoughts, processes, and tidbits of wisdom as I navigate various new technical...